CEO Greetings

Curogen dreams of leading a positive future for humanity’s health and takes big, certain leaps with hope

Curogen has been established to save lives of patients and also to contribute to improving life qualities of patients who suffer from incurable diseases.
We focus on developing first-in-class innovative therapeutics for incurable diseases, which cures have not yet been developed.

After years of thorough research, we discovered effective drug candidates for well known incurable diseases such as autoimmune disease and cancer.

In order to develop Curogen’s pipelines into innovative new drugs that apply to clinical applications, we are willing to

  • 1. Base ourselves on globally competitive technologies,
  • 2. Pursue creative and original research and development,
  • 3. Grow our pipeline consisting of first-in-class therapeutics through consistent development of original technologies and open innovation,
  • 4. And become a global corporation based on transparent and righteous management.

Based on these four beliefs, all of Curogen’s employees including myself are trying our best to make this company a global front runner of the biotechnology industry with high value technologies. Furthermore, Curogen promises to make this world a better place that we all dream of, until the day all of humanity can smile and stay healthy. Thank you.

CEOChang-Woo Lee